e-KYC Process for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana is a central scheme with 100% funding from Government of India which is active from 1-12-2018. Under this scheme an income support of Rs.6000 per year in three installments will be provided to all land holding farmers.

Latest Update: In the official website, people who have this scheme active now, must check e-kyc, so let us learn in detail about this process.

e-kyc process for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana:

Note: Before all this process you need to check if your PM Kisan yojana scheme is active or not, for that you need to go to “Home” page of pmkisan.gov.in and under “Farmers choice” click on “Beneficiary status”. You can give Aadhar number and Click on “Get data”.

  • Search for “PM Kisan” in the Google Search bar, the first result which shows as “PM KISAN” i.e., pmkisan.gov.in will appear. Open that link.Once the website opens, you can see the “e-kyc” scrolling on the top as it is the latest update
    If you scroll down, to your right in the “Farmers Choice” you will find e-kyc update, click on it.
  • It will then route you to a page which shows “Aadhar e-kyc”. You can provide you Aadhar card number that is registered with your PM kisan Yojana. Enter the number and click on search.You will be shown the status of your scheme in the next page will all the details.
  • It will ask you mobile number which is linked to your “Aadhar card “, you will receive an OTP to that registered number which you need to type in the box shown and click on “Submit for Authentication”.It will then display a message saying “e-kyc successful”.

    This is how you can submit e-kyc to PM Kisan Yojana.

    Note: After entering your mobile number if you get a message that displays “Data not found”, and when you click on the “Search button” it says “Record not found”. It means your registration is either “New” or “Aadhar card status is not verified”.

    You should then go to nearby CSC center and then authentic OTP biometric post which the next amount will be added to your account.
    If this process is undone, the amount that has to be credited next will not be added into your account.

This is the simple process to get e-kyc done for PM Kisan Yojana.

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