CSC Center Online Registration Complete Process

There has been a great confusion surrounding the Common Service Scheme or CSC. What is it? What does it do? Will it benefit us? Today we will discuss all these points and know what CSC is all about.

The Common Service Scheme has been introduced as a part of good governance paradigm. It is a two in one solution that will help to revamp the front-end delivery systems of the public services and simultaneously will support rural entrepreneurship to create job opportunities. The CSC started as a part of E-governance plans in the year 2006. As of now, it is one of the 31 Mission Mode Projects under “Digital India”.

The thought behind CSC is the digitization of several government schemes so it becomes easier to complete the process. This process includes the issuance of certificates, licenses, etc. The work will be handed over to the ‘Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs)’ who will run Common Service Centers. The aim is to have at least one CSC in every one of the Gram Panchayats. As of now, there are 2.5 lakh gram panchayats in the country. The complete thing will be a culmination of private and public partnerships at the central level.

But, at the state level, the responsibility of hiring the VLE has been given to private companies known as the ‘Service Center Agencies’. The qualifications to become into a VLE are simple. This has been done to energize participation from the villages.

What is the Common Service Scheme?

Indian Government has started the Common Service Center Scheme. This was done as a part of the National E-Governance Plan Scheme. The main aim is to provide G2C (Government to Citizen) and B2C (Business to Citizens) services to citizens right at their home under Bharat Nirman.

As per the CSC scheme, the budget allocated to 100,000 Common Service Centers in rural areas and 10000 CSC in Urban India. Quality with cost effective e-governance are the cornerstones of this scheme.

Objectives of CSC

CSC scheme is implemented in PPP (Public Private Partnership) Framework. A few major attributes of this scheme are:

  • Emphasis on entrepreneurship in rural areas
  • Offering services to the private areas
  • Local area needs are given exceptional significance
  • Paying a significant part in the development of rural India and offering livelihoods
  • Offers to be an agent to a Government and Non-Government services
  • One-stop solution for different G2C and B2C Services


How to Start a Common Service Center (CSC)?

Indian Government has made an announcement about the setting up of a Common Service Centers (CSCs). These centers will provide good e-governance and services to individuals staying in the rural areas. The networks will be set up across the country within remote areas.

CSCs are points of access where individuals residing in rural and remote locations can use the e-governance system to connect with government initiatives and services. These centers give individuals the convenience of getting connected with various government schemes and services through online.

To start a CSC in your locality, you should satisfy specific eligibility criteria to participate in CSC Scheme.

Eligibility Criteria to Participate in CSC Scheme

The below mentioned are the eligibility criteria for Common Service Center (CSC):


A candidate should be not less than 18 years.


An individual should complete the Matriculation Level Examination or similar from a recognized board.

Apply for CSC Center Online

Instructions to start a Common Service Center (CSC)

Process to register for a Common Service Center (CSC), any individual who needs to start the Common Service Center and fulfills the eligibility can apply online. Application process for setting up of CSC is as-

  1. Open the CSC Portal
  2. Click on “Interested to become a CSC” on the left side of the page
  3. Click on provided link ” For CSC Registration, Click Here”
  4. Fill in the Aadhar Number in the box provided
  5. Next, choose the authentication option from IRIS/Finger Print/One Time Password. Click on “Proceed”
  6. Click on generate OTP
  7. Upload the Geo-tagged image of centers
  8. Click on ‘SUBMIT’ button

On submission of application, acknowledgement number will be sent to the applicant.

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